As we all know augmented Reality (AR) became a game changer in the world, but do you know that it affects marketing and communication industry so much? You can simply scan a picture and an animated picture will popped out on your phone.
What is AR actually? By using AR in a poster, it can engage the viewer with the topic and further their understanding through visuals and audio on a digital interface. These visuals draw the viewer’s attention actively as they see movement on their screens. (,see%20movement%20on%20their%20screens)

Are you planning to step up you marketing plan from boring to mesmerizing? Then maybe this is a great idea for you!
AR poster is a really fun idea to promote your product since it is interactable. Most posters are only to look at, but AR posters are something else. You can make your own AR poster on the internet without downloading an app.
To scan an AR code or poster you just need to simply open your device camera and scan them, and you can see cool animation of the poster on your own phone.
There are different apps and platforms where you can make you own Augmented Reality posters like Artivive, Blippar, Vectary, etc. Some platforms are free, and some of them have subscription system. Keep in mind that the process could be very confusing and complicated for some people, but it is possible to make your own poster alive. Have fun on trying!